What’s This? All About
“What’s This?,” known as GAME throughout this page, is a trivia game show in which the viewing audience can play along with the currently live steaming show. Since our YouTube channel, Signs of Amusement (also Interactive Realm channel), known as “IR” throughout this page, features Disney related content, the GAME will have questions related to Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar, or any of their other brands, titles, works of art, etc., which are owned or license to the Walt Disney company, known as “WD” throughout this page.
The name of the GAME, “What’s This?,” was inspired by the song from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, from WD, but the GAME nor IR have any affiliation with the film, WD, Tim Burton, nor anything else related.
Answers to the questions asked in the GAME were researched, created and fact checked by IR (and team) to ensure fair gaming outcome. The GAME creation was, in part, created with the help of and/or tested by the Leaving Today Podcast, Expedition Steve, Phil Etzel (my brother), Jeff “the Goofy Dupe” Shaver, Louis Hildago, Christy Robinett (and family) and Heyman with Jayman.
A BIG THANK YOU to Expedition Steve (part of IR team) for staying up countless hours, late into the nights as we created this GAME.
We’d also like to thank Sharon and Sammy from Middle Aged Magic and Disney Magic Zack for their continued support and help with creating questions and emojis, testing, and more. Additional thanks to Kenny from AlphaTraveler1 and Larry & Rebecca from Goofy Guy’s Adventure for their support and helping promote the game.
Please stay tuned as we are actively working on more game ideas.
If sharing this page, please use the link: http://whatsthis.games
Game Schedule
Below is a list of upcoming shows. At this time, there will be 1 game night per month but each game will have 3 separate shows, prizes and winners. We also now have special opportunities to gain extra points and to receive prizes without even winning!
Please also follow Signs of Amusement on Instagram for updates, upcoming shows and other content, plus see which partner channels the game will be live streaming on.
Official Game Rules
Last Updated: Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
How To Play
This GAME can be played by anyone who is currently watching any of the live streams, known as PLAYER throughout this page. A GAME may be on multiple channels and/or platforms simultaneously, and may and will likely change depending on our partner channels, known as PARTNER throughout this page. A PARTNER is described as another vlogger, content maker, podcast etc., that will have the GAME live streamed to their channels or platforms.
The PLAYER must be a valid user as per the rules, terms and conditions of the hosted social media platform/service the GAME is being live steamed on. As of the writing of this, YouTube is currently the only platform we are streaming to where views can participate in the GAME.
In order to win points, a PLAYER must enter a correct answer in to the live stream chat (or comment box), depending on hosting platform during the GAME. Answers entered as comments on YouTube and not entered in the “chat” are not counted as a valid answer. All answers must be entered during a live streamed GAME.
A PLAYER will reference the multiple-choice “letter” representing the answer, A, B, C, or D when chatting their answer. Only one of these valid answers will be excepted per player, per question. A player or viewer can enter any other text into the chat that is not a single letter, as reference above as a valid answer, and their chat will still be shown to all other players as a comment. In certain cases, for example, tie breaker questions, you may have to type the actual answer text as there may not be any multiple-choice answers available. In these cases, the PLAYER whose comment that clearly displays the correct answer, as judged by the current GAME PARTNER or IR, is the winner of said question(s).
Questions may be presented as text based with multiple choice answers, true or false or no answers choices displayed at all, other questions can be in the form of as image, where the PLAYER will to guess the location within the theme park(s) mentioned in the question in terms of what location, ride, attraction, etc., the said image represents; finally a question could also be in the form of an audio clip and the PLAYER will need to guess where the audio clip is form, depending on question asked. This audio clip may be from a movie, ride, attraction, etc.
On every question, a PLAYER to answer correctly the fastest will win the most points for that question. Each question has its own point value which is displayed above the question. This point value will decrease over the time length of the question. The point value will never go below 1 point.
Because this GAME may be streamed across multiple channels and platforms, the chatted answers displayed on the video screen, labelled as “Chat Answers” will be the only chat used to determine the winning PLAYER for the question and the final winner for the current GAME; this is because it may be possible for a PLAYER on a different platform and/or channel to answer before another PLAYER on a different platform or channel and in some cases a PLAYER might not see any answers from another PLAYER. All answers will be displayed on screen, however.
The PLAYER at the end of the current GAME is the winner of that GAME show. There may be multiple shows played in one live stream. Each show will have its own set of questions, points, players, prizes and its own winner.
These rules are subject to change without notice, please be aware of the rules by reading through them clearly before each show, if you wish to participate.
Winner Verification
All GAME winners will receive a prize. The prize for each GAME show is listed before the start of show and will be displayed in the marquee scrolling across the top of the GAME. (International players see below about prizes and shipping.)
However, we must first verify the winners before any prize will be awarded. At this time, winner verification will be conducted through email and each winner will be asked to make a special comment on the channel they were participating (playing) on and using the same user account; this way we will know it’s the same user who contacted us and the same user who was playing.
Please click the button below and use our contact form to send us a message stating that you are a winner, and please include which game you won, what your username was, what prize you won and what channel you were playing on.
Prizes & Shipping
A winning PLAYER must reside in or have a shipping address within the United States (USA) to receive the prize that is showcased before the start of each show. International PLAYER may participate in the GAME and can win, but will be responsible for any shipping costs.
An alternative reward may be given at discretion of current IR and may be in form of a coupon, which may be worth the approximate value of the original prize. These coupons may be redeemed at signsofamusement.com unless otherwise stated. IR is the parent company of Signs of Amusement.
Please note that no matter how big or small the prizes may be, these prizes were purchased for the GAME and/or in some cases, hand crafted, which supplies were purchased for. In other words, people put time and money into each and every prize. But you must also understand that the money used to said prizes are coming from our own pockets. That said, if you wish to donate a prize, please contact us. Your donation will be displayed along with the prize info on the GAME in which your prize is awarded.
Software, Hosted Platforms & Live Stream Offset
The software IR uses to live stream the GAME with is Restream.io, an online live streaming provider. The “Live Chat Answers” we use we provided through Restream’s network, which are received from all the channels and platforms currently being live streamed to. In some cases, Restream is able to relay other PLAYER answers from other channels or platforms, but they may be sightly delayed. Again, this is why we must only use the on screen “Live Chat Answers” as official answers.
It should also be noted, that because there is always some delay from the when the video starts playing to when viewers start see the content, we allow of a longer period of time than what is shown on the game timer. The timer will still show the correct time, however answers will still be accepted for a determined amount of seconds after the timer stops. If we did not do this, some players might not have their answer counted and we aim to have fair game play for all. Please note that this does not mean we provide more time to some players and not to others, this merely adjusts the time allotted for answers to be extended to match the delayed time of the video. Thus the timer on the video, when viewers see it, should end along with the time allotted for answers.
Another important thing to note about live streaming is that the delay or offset that can occur, and will in most cases vary for different users, if the points that are awarded. They are based on the same determined amount of seconds as above, this means that since the live steam delay can vary, a user could receive a point value that differs from what was shown on the screen. Please know that we have tested many times to adjust the settings for the best outcome.
Please ensure that you video “seek” bar is set all the way to the right. This means you are watching the latest or “live” time in the video. If you are not watching at the latest time or live, you will not get the best answer or your answer may not be counted. We have noticed that YouTube will stop or slow the playing of the live stream if you switch to another window or browser tab, so please ensure that you are always watching the live stream during the game.
Also note that YouTube chat has 2 view options, “live chat” and “top chat.” The “live chat” option is recommended to be used when participating in the GAME as it will show all the comments for that channel during the live stream. The “top chat” will show what YouTube deems as the most relevant comments, thus not all comments may be shown.
At this time, the GAME software is not for sale and will not be given out for others to use on their own channels or platform. If you are interested in being a PARTNER and possibly having this GAME streamed to your channels or platforms, please contact us.
Guidelines, Policies & Licenses
Please note that this GAME follows the YouTube Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and we adhere to any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, including U.S. sanctions. Please also note the IR polices and terms below, in the footer of this website.
Any information collected about a PLAYER is only used for that of the GAME and for winner verification. No information will be exchanged, sold, or provided for any other purpose. You will not be placed on any mailing lists, unless you specifically sign up on an IR or PARTNER newsletter or mailing list yourself.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Discord and Restream.io are NOT sponsors nor a PARTNER of the GAME and your participation in the GAME requires you, the PLAYER, to release said mentioned platforms, IR and any PARTNER from any liability.
Any GAME malfunction will void any points, winners and prizes. However, IR or PARTNER involved in the GAME in which malfunction occurred, will have the discretion to award points or prizes to any PLAYER or winner in such occasions, and only in such occasions. Points and prizes cannot and will not just be given out for no reason. Every PLAYER is the same and the GAME will always be conducted in a fair and just manner.
Background music and sound effects use within the GAME are licensed via Envato Elements.
Most, if not all, photos used within the GAME (except typing hands) are taken by IR or PARTNERS.