Build Kit: Entryway Plaque Sign

This is a video of a live build of this sign. It details the assembly instructions of all the parts for the Entryway Plaque sign. Included below are details on the spray paint colors used, tools, glue, and more.

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Note: Better Solution for Applying the Center of “A” Pieces

If you watched the video above, you’ll I struggled with getting the small center veneer pieces that go in the center cutout areas of the letter “A” but I have come up with a better, easier solution and this will work for any letter.

Just use a small piece of tape, rolled up so all sides are sticky then flatten it and apply to the tip a pencil, needle-nose pliers, etc and then stick the painted side of a small piece of veneer onto the tape with its adhesive side facing away/down the lower it into the center of the letter. This should allow for the piece to go straight down and then push it into place, adding some pressure for a few seconds to ensure its stuck there.

The issue I was having with the method I used in the video is that the pieces kept sticking to the sides of the center cutout and flipping it over so the adhesive side was always facing up. I’ve now used the above method many times and its worked out nicely and saves so much time in building this sign.

Spray Paint

These are the same spray paints used on our fully built signs.

Suggested Glue & Tools

It’s highly suggest getting CA glue, glue accelerator, and sanding sticks. But the other tools are very useful as well.

Related Help & Info

Please check out these topics below for more help. However, if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

Epoxy Resin or CA Glue

Burn Marks